Allergies and the effects of civilization on the lives of our pets.

As a manufacturer of Humac, a lot of owners come to me with answers. From the conversations we have I find that most of the time, the symptoms of concern are very similar. 

  • scratching

Although owners only see their own dog or cat suffering, they are really not alone. Allergy or allergy-like symptoms are one of the most commonly diagnosed health problems with dogs and unfortunately they occur in large numbers in cats.

What's in the food chain?

Based on several years of experience, I see that the main cause of the problem is in the diet. Unfortunately, there is no clean and nutritious food. Even best superfoods contain additives that the animal's body cannot excrete properly.

The root of the problem can be traced back to the 1920s, when animal husbandry began to be organized along the lines of productivist production developed in the automotive industry. The industrialization of the sector gradually intensified in the twentieth century and spread to more and more continents and countries. Today, 62.7 % of agricultural land is used for animal husbandry.

The UK switched to large-scale animal husbandry in 1947. This entailed crowding free-range animals into stables and making feed production as efficient as possible.

This changeover had some consequences. More pesticides and fertilizers have entered the lands, while the land's natural productivity gradually decreased. Today, only a few percent of the minerals and trace elements are in the lands, so they are already missing from the feed that's produced. So it is also missing from those grains, vegetables, meat, milk, eggs.

Free-range animals created a plant essence with their meat prior to large-scale meat production. It is a digestible and nutritious, well-incorporated protein source for humans and animals. In large-scale production, there has been a demand for breeding, with which various specialized institutes have created hybrid animals. Outstanding results had to and still has to be performed in terms of meat or breeding, with cost effectiveness being the main consideration.

The price of this, of course, is that the vital organs of animals are as small as possible as a result of “breeding” and are no longer able to perform their original function. Animals are hypersensitive to various diseases and therefore often receive medications, including antibiotics. Thus, for example, intensive animal husbandry contributes greatly to the development of resistant bacteria worldwide, with serious public health consequences. During the productive rearing of the animals, their food also changed. In addition to cereals, legumes, oilseeds, other “by-products” and technological additives have appeared - preservatives, antioxidants, emulsifiers, stabilizers, gelling agents, binders, adhesion inhibitors, radioactive binders, acidity regulators, denaturants, colorants, flavourings and aroma compounds, digestion enhancers, gut flora stabilizers. These, of course, affect the composition of the meat produced.

The growth of the world’s livestock sector is increasing the congestion of rivers and lakes, as loads of water needed to grow food for feed, and feces from large-scale livestock farms also contaminate groundwater with nitrates and antibiotic residues. The leaching of pesticides and fertilizers used in intensive crop production into the soil contributes to this situation as well. On the long run, the heavy metal load of the earth and the pollution of the water enter our animal and human body through our food.

With large-scale production, the food chain has become more artificial and controlled. The processes and additives used by the processing industry, the food industry have an additional influence on the final development of the “food”.

Feeding types and their effects

Pet owners, like mothers with small children, are in a very difficult situation when they have to decide what, when and how much to give the animal as feed. The situation gets worse when the animal has problems and diseases.

There are different forms of feeding, raw feeding, homemade feeds, kibble feeding. Each way has supporters. In fact, the more unprocessed, simpler food our pet eats, the lower the chances of getting sick. This is closest to the predatory origin of the animal. However, the large-scale farming described above has an impact. Raw meat is not a plant essence, it has a demonstrably different composition than the meat of a wild animal.

During cooking, the amino acid chain changes, along with the enzymes that help digestion, many minerals and trace elements disappear from the already deficient meat, rice and vegetables. On the other hand, dogs and cats have adapted quite well to their near-human life during their evolutionary development, they are able to break down the “residue” quite well.

Owners that use kibble or other processed pet feeds are in the most difficult situation, as there is a huge oversupply, it is very difficult to make a good decision when choosing a diet and they need to take into account the size, age and breed of the animal as well.

Amino acids, minerals and trace elements lost during heat treatment in dry foods are subsequently replaced with certain additives. Feed materials developed for animals, on the other hand, are never meat, with a few exceptions. The tactic for circumventing the legislation is to list several types of carbohydrates and grains, so the meat is at the top of the list. This is because the ingredients must be listed in descending order. In addition to meat, the foods contain animal by-products / bones, tendons, beaks, legs, offal, hooves, hair / chicken fat, tallow. There is only one problem with animal fats. Both animals and humans are able to store toxins in fat that they cannot excrete. This is also included in the diet. Some companies also smuggle sugar into the feed, called corn syrup, cane molasses, beet syrup, sugar beet pulp. Fiber, which is essential for maintaining health, most often functions as stool starch in the diet. This is powdered cellulose, sugar beet or beet pulp, pomace, hazelnut shell, bentonite. These regulate the passage of nutrients through the body and act as a plug. Without these, food would probably cause diarrhea. On the other hand, the enzymes, minerals and trace elements mixed into the feeds show well on the label, but their absorption and incorporation leave some remarks according to experience.

Fortunately, there are dogs which live long and healthy lives by consuming dog food throughout their lives (and there are, of course, better and worse quality feeds among dog food as well).

All of the problems described above are a civilizational impact that we have to live with and pay attention to choosing the best possible solution for ourselves and our animals as well.

Unfortunately, this does not always work. Many owners are convinced by sound of advertisements, even though it is the most advertised feeds that leave the worst effects in terms of the animal's health.

This is also why more and more pets today suffer from allergies, hair and skin diseases, digestive and joint problems.

Allergies, food intolerance, yeast infection, leaky gut epidemic.

Allergy is undeniably a modern feature that unfortunately not only began to spread rapidly in parallel with the spread of ready-made dog food, but also nutrient-deficient foods and ingested toxins played a major role in the spread of the disease. Tick alarms, medications, and vaccines for those who are sensitive can also cause the immune system to tip over.


Allergy is an excessive reaction of the immune system when it treats and attacks proteins that are not harmful to health or do not endanger it. In extreme cases, the immune system attacks the body’s own cells as well, at which point we call it autoimmune disease.


  • ear and / or eye discharge
  • digestive problems
  • chewing around the tail
  • itchy skin
  • chewing, licking their skin, paws
  • red or brown discolouration of the skin
  • ear infection, itching

Food intolerance:

Food intolerance is a chronic condition that develops over many months, sometimes years, if the food that causes the intolerance is given to the dog continuously. This is not about the immune system's response like allergies, it's about digestive problems, meaning the body is unable to digest certain ingredients.


  • vomiting, diarrhoea / not usual in case of allergies /
  • chronic scratching
  • bowel movements, belching, gassy intestines.
  • chronic ear infection.
  • a fungal infections of the feet, frequent chewing of the paw.
  • reddening and inflammation of the skin.
  • IgA and IgM antibodies appear in saliva and faeces, which can be detected during a blood test.

Yeast infection

The symptoms of a yeast infection are very similar to the symptoms of an allergy. It is easy to differentiate it as the fungi usually begins to multiply as warm weather arrives and subside as winter approaches. Fungi prefer wet, warm places, pet's skin symptoms typically appear on the ears, armpits, around the rectum, between the fingers and the pads, in the wrinkles of the muzzle, in skin folds.


  • Tiny black dots on the abdomen.
  • Paw chewing and licking.
  • The coat's soleseddish-brown discoloration.
  • The coat's oily to the touch, sweet-smell
  • Heavily dandruffed skin.
  • Frequent scratching.
  • Frequent scratching of ears or shaking the head.
  • Redness of ears, yellowish deposits, brown, waxy secretions.
  • Hair loss on the tail and back.
  • Thickening and discoloration of the skin in areas not covered with hair.
  • Cyclic appearance of symptoms; begins in spring, symptoms subside by fall. This can be confused with seasonal pollen allergy.

Thin intestines: new pandemic

If the bad bacteria is allowed to multiply, it will cause a permeable intestinal wall. The permeable intestinal wall is what it sounds like - holes are formed in your dog’s intestinal wall which allows the intestinal contents to seep into the bloodstream.

The inside of the intestinal wall, which is protected by mucous membranes, becomes irritated and inflamed, dysbiosis develops. Inflammation of the intestinal wall cells is the enterocyte. When this happens, bacteria, fungi and undigested food starts to pass through the bloodstream.


  • joint pain
  • thyroid disease
  • nervous system and eye disease
  • inflammatory disease
  • collapsing trachea and laryngeal paralysis
  • liver , gallbladder and pancreatic disorders
  • behavioral disorders (dogs' gut and brain actually communicate through the endocrine system)
  • cancer

Doctors are in a very difficult position when trying to diagnose the real cause of problems based on their symptoms. Currently, almost all of the listed diseases are treated as allergies. We can also do allergy tests, but many doctors don’t believe it because it doesn’t give accurate results. Mainly antibiotic, antihistamine or steroid treatments are known. In addition, hypoallergenic diets, baths and ointments are usually recommended.

Yet to solve the problem, good health begins in the gut. You may have heard that 70% of the immune system is in the gut. The state of the immune system depends on this. Deficiency of minerals and trace elements also affects the hormonal balance, accumulated toxins, inflammations, antibiotic residues in meat, drugs used and the components of certain feeds destroy microorganisms in the digestive system.

If the gut microorganism is not healthy, the animal isn't either. Therefore, most allergic medications, diets, and treatments do not work in the long run - they upset the delicate balance of microorganisms, which is more likely to cause allergies or autoimmune diseases.

The most important functions of microorganisms.

Microorganisms and bacteria have some important functions in the lives of our pets.

  • They help produce important nutrients. For example bacteria is responsible for the production of vitamin K and most B vitamins in the intestines of animals.
  • They help in the absorption of nutrients. Intestinal bacteria help absorb vitamins and micronutrients that are important to pet’s health.
  • They regulate the immune system. T cells are very important parts of the immune system, they can increase or decrease inflammation in the body. When dogs are still a puppies for example, the bacteria in the microorganism help transport T cells between different good and bad bacteria. This prepares the immune system for the future.
  • Strengthens the intestinal wall by the bacteria producing fatty acids.

When a group of bacteria gets out of control, it attacks the dog’s body for its own survival. This will damage the dog's health.

The delicate balance

There are two types of bacteria in your dog’s microorganism, good and bad. The balance is the most important between these bacteria - unfortunately this can be easily disturbed.

6 causes of damage to microorganisms.

1.: Antibiotics.

The problem with antibiotics is that they kill both good and bad bacteria indiscriminately. Not only does this upset the balance, but it can wipe out an entire group, leaving only the resistant bacteria that grow and multiply. Even if your dog has never taken antibiotics before, if he/she have eaten food like antibiotic-treated beef or chicken, it will get passed on to his/her body.

2.: NSAID (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and chemicals

These all inhibit the growth of good bacteria.

3.: Steroids

Many important intestinal functions are inhibited by steroids, suppressing the immune system and leading to the growth of bad bacteria.

4.: Vaccines

It destroys the immune system and inhibits the growth of good bacteria.

5.: Stress

If your dog is alone for several hours or suffers from other chronic stressors, it will upset the balance of the microorganism.

6.: Diet

Dogs that consume processed or high-carbohydrate foods (and all products on the market are high in carbohydrates) cause an unbalanced intestinal flora. Carbohydrates, especially those with a high glycemic load, are preferred by bad bacteria. Cereals and carbohydrates are the cause of the growth of fungi and yeasts. Dairy products, genetically modified foods (GMOs), preservatives, colorants and chlorinated water damage the microorganism.

When the bacteria in a microorganism become unbalanced, it is called dysbiosis. This dysbiosis can cause or worsen allergies through the permeable intestinal wall.

How do we deal with the problem?

This is one of the great challenges of the 21st century. In recent years, the demand for natural solutions has increased and many people look for other solutions, thus, of course, there is a demand in animal husbandry as well. Although pet owners are aware of the shortcomings of food, they try to provide a happy life for their pet. It is also worth starting with a gentle method and moving towards a more drastic intervention without further destroying the sensitive health of the animal.

Since the supply of nutrients to the animal's body and the functioning of the immune system depend to a large extent on the condition of the digestive system, one of the research directions for this purpose examined and targeted the possible use of humic acids. It is a natural substence that our company supplies in it's natural form. No adverse effects or contraindications are currently known by science and can be used with complete safety.

Humic acids enter the digestive system and have several beneficial effects on the body.

These are - effects that have been scientifically proven and are now backed up by our own tests as well.

  • the beneficial effect on the digestive system’s pH, optimizes the pH of the intestines,
  • this beneficial effect on the intestinal flora - reduces the number of harmful microorganisms in the digestive system with exponentials and it also helps the formation of useful flora.
  • this restores the intestinal flora, thereby improving absorption, reducing the uptake of toxins.
  • Humac has an immune stimulatory effect, partly on the intestinal mucosa and partly on the body's humoral defences. Thus e.g. the humoral immune response is doubled.
  • Humac binds harmful substances such as heavy metals, toxins.
  • It also has a role in the body’s supply of micro and macro elements. The substance itself contains almost all the necessary micro- and macro-elements, in addition, it is easily absorbed by the body in chelated form.

HUMAC Natur AFM acts on the body at several ways, so it is recommended as an adjunctive therapy in all cases.

Due to the above effects, it works extremely well for several unexplained allergy-like symptoms, as it does not treat the symptom, but initiates the self-healing processes and regeneration of the body through the intestines.

The immune system is strengthened by the administration of humic acid. Not only this means enhanced function, especially humoral immune response, but also proper functioning. Almost all enzymes in the body are bound to function. Micro and macro elements are important for the formation of enzymes. These are all present in humic acid, so this can be replaced if a deficiency is the cause of an allergy or other allergic diseases.

Humic acid brings the state of the digestive system closer to its physiological state as well.

If you have an “allergic” pet, figuring out what the cause is sometimes almost impossible. Different substances may not be allergenic on their own, but together with their decomposition products they may be. Therefore, sometimes the vet’s examination is partial, medication is prescribed only to reduce symptoms so at least our pet do not suffer.

Humic acid is a solution for such problems, because it binds what is needed and at the same time, it replaces trace elements and helps the body to function.

The result is a balanced pet and a happy, satisfied owner.

We wish everyone good health!

Humac UK

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