hydrolyzed proteins

How many of you would give your pet blood, food waste, or a veterinary confiscated corpse?

When feeding an allergic animal, owners are well aware of feather or soy hydrolysates as a major component of the diets recommended by veterinarians.

Proteins are the main building blocks of cells in all living organisms. They are made up of many amino acids and are very important for the normal functioning of the body. However, being high molecular weight compounds, they may be absorbed poorly.

Food allergies are a reaction to specific proteins in food . They are hydrolyzed to prevent this reaction. During hydrolysis, proteins are broken down into peptides as if they were cleaving the protein molecule and thus & nbsp; they no longer cause allergic reactions.

Acid hydrolysis

The essence of this method is the processing of raw materials with certain acids

Enzyme hydrolysis

Here proteins are heat treated and then mixed with enzymes to simulate natural digestion.

Protein hydrolysis is used in the following cases:

  • To accelerate protein absorption
  • To reduce allergic reactions
  • For pure amino acid production

Any protein can be used as a raw material in the production of protein hydrolysates from blood and constituent components, animal and plant tissues and organs, dairy and food waste, veterinary confiscations, food from processing, various animals, birds, fish, meat processing plants and wastes from adhesive factories. 

Protein hydrolysates for medical and veterinary purposes are mainly made of proteins of animal origin: blood, muscle tissue and internal organs, protein membranes, and whey protein.

Killing the beneficial bacteria is one of the disadvantages of hydrolysis. This bacteria are artificially added back.

But each animal has a unique sensitivity. Does the feed manufacturer take into account which animal needs and how much useful bacteria? 

In the food industry, hydrolysis means nothing is wasted. There is no "extra", because that way you can eliminate any leftovers that would otherwise have to be destroyed, which would come at an extra cost. 

Although no pet owner thinks of this when they see the word hydrolyzed on the label, because marketing makes us believe it stands for a great nutritional value. But great value can only be what is natural.

80% of the condition of the immune system depends on the condition of the intestines. Without beneficial bacteria, it will not be healthy. Something just develops, a little hair loss, allergies, intestinal inflammation…

Treatments begin, but unfortunately during the therapy used, the complex body is not considered. In case of allergy, steroids or antihistamines, intestinal, thyroid or ear infections antibiotics are used.

When it comes to hair loss, natural products like brewer's yeast, salmon oil is available. Pet owners usually try these, as "it isn't a massive problem, just a bit of fur loss". Yet this is already an indication that something unusual is happening within the animal's body…

That's why Humac has achieved quite significant success, even in hopeless situations, because it treats the problem in a complex way, affects the intestinal flora, helps digestion and the removal of toxins, even with hydrolyzed protein. It can help the formation and balance of useful bacteria in a natural way. 

That is why we recommend it not only to sick animals, but as a prevention to all animals. 

Ildiko Bara

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